SC010 sporthighschool

Sport and leisure along the maas








Sustainable Design: SC010 SportHighSchool in Rotterdam’s Schiehaven combines greenery, innovative shading, and functional spaces for optimal learning
The project located in the Schiehaven in Rotterdam is designed with a strong emphasis on sustainability and greenery. The project includes lecture rooms, sport halls, a library, and recreational spaces. One of the key features of the design is the extensive use of greenery, with almost the entire roof covered in plants to increase insulation and promote biodiversity in the area. The green roof also acts as a water buffer, absorbing rainwater and reducing pollution in the sewer. In addition, plants are integrated into and around the facades, with Semper green facade elements and planters creating a connection between the indoor spaces and the greenery outside.
To ensure that the classrooms and offices do not receive too much direct sunlight, vertical wooden slats are used to filter the light. These slats allow the most sun in the morning and evening and keep it out in the afternoon. The media library features a second line of slats that can be rotated mechanically to completely close off the facade. The lecture hall is located at ground level below the overhanging classrooms and offices, providing direct sunlight only early in the morning and late in the evening. The sports halls are dug in with closed facades, and the climbing wall has a glass facade facing north to allow passers-by to observe athletes without direct sunlight affecting the space.

Crafting a Dynamic Public Space

An important part of the project is the reshaping of the riverfront into a vibrant public haven. The project introduces a captivating boulevard, inviting leisure and sports spaces along the water’s edge. Creating a harmonious blend of nature and urban life, where the riverside becomes a canvas for community engagement and active living.

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